
Service Skin Remedies Medical


You might be considered to be physically fit, and not overweight, but you can still have bulges, rolls, and other small areas of fat that are resistant to exercise or diet.

Reducing fat primarily in these problem areas through diet and exercise is often unsuccessful, as these rolls and bulges may have a greater density of fat cells, so you’ll tend to lose in other areas before budging these spots, and then gain unwanted fat back in the problem areas first.

Introduction to Coolsculpting

A muffin top. Love handles. Back fat. These small areas of fat may not require the surgical procedure of liposuction, but they can still be quite bothersome, and may be keeping us from wearing the clothes we’d like to be able to.

CoolSculpting – the cool solution

We can now attack these problem areas with CoolSculpting, a non-surgical alternative to liposuction.

A team of scientists and physicians developed CoolSculpting specifically to address these stubborn problem areas.

CoolSculpting utilizes a precisely controlled cooling method called Cryolipolysis to target, cool, and eliminate a portion of the fat cells in the treated areas without damage to other tissue.

After a 1 hour CoolSculpting procedure, the patient’s body goes to work. Over the next couple of months, approximately 20% of the chilled, crystallized fat cells break down and are naturally eliminated from the body. Skin Remedies Medspa has the newer Coolsculpting technology, that takes only 1 hour; treatment with the earlier cryolipolysis technology took 2 to 3 hours.

If you live in the greater Santa Monica area, and want to find out more about CoolSculpting, call (310) 453-6474 today to schedule a complimentary consultation.

Gallery Coolsculpting

Skin Remedies Medical

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